Church Supplies

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Weddings, Funerals, and Rites of Passage by email

More Weddings, Funerals and Rites by Email


More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage is now available as an email. This extremely useful book will be sent in a Word document (or text, if you don't have Word). You can then copy and paste the ceremonies for your own personal use.

Please be aware that even though this is an email, the shipping charge automatically attaches. This is why I have lowered the price by $5 to cover the cost that you're spending on shipping. Be sure to include your email address below, so I can get it to you right away.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Master of Spiritual Leadership Course through the ULC Seminary

Master of Spiritual Leadership

Master of Spiritual Leadership

Course Description:

The hardest path, journey or pilgrimage for a spiritual leader is not those steps taken outwards, but rather inwards. This course is adapted from Rev. Dr. Tyler Ragan's book Pilgrimage to the Heart of the Sacred, the course itself is a 20 week self-discovery pilgrimage to aid a leader in defining their mission and calling.

As with the other Seminary courses, this course will be emailed. Please be sure to include the email address where you'd like it sent.