Church Supplies

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dr. of Divinity $30.00

Dr. of Divinity Degree from ULC
To receive this degree, we ask for a fee of $30.00.

You will legally be entitled to use the title Dr. in front of your name and D.D. after your name. All Dr. of Divinity titles, regardless of where they came from, are considered honorary and no test is required.

This degree is offered through the ULC Seminary. The degree comes on high-quality paper with pen and ink signature and a gold seal.

It would look very nice framed upon your wall.

Also available with this product: Get your Dr. of Divinity on a wallet ID card as well! This offer is exclusive to the ULC Seminary. You can have your degree with you all the time to show off or to use as a reminder of your Calling.

* It can only be ordered at the initial time of purchase with the degree. It is not available separately*

It can be purchased from here: Dr. of Divinity Degree